
TrustOS started with the initial v1.0.0 release. Since that several changes have been implemented in order to improve the functionality and performance of each API. Take a look at the last changes.

Track API

v2.1.0 [October 2020]

What’s new in Track API v2.0.0:

  • New concept of “authorised asset”: Until now every asset belong to the user that has created it and there was not possibility of being consulted or updated by others unless it was transferred. Now two types of assets are handled: own assets and authorised assets. Thus it’s possible for a user not only have access to its own assets but also the ones created by others. Having access to an authorised assets means that it’s able to get the current state, to get the history of transactions and to update the metadata of that asset.
  • New methods to handle authorisation and un-authorisation for an asset: In this model two new methods are required in order to authorise or not a user to access a specific asset.POST - .../asset/{assetId}/authorisePOST - .../asset/{assetId}/unauthorise
  • New flag to determine whether the request involves an authorised asset or not: The current methods for consulting and updating an asset have to handle whether the transaction involves an own or authorised asset. For that reason and based on simplicity, a flag ...?isAuthorised=true is turned on in query for routes: /asset/{assetId}, /asset/{assetId}/transactions, /asset/{assetId}/transactions/range, /asset/{assetId}/update to specify that it is an authorised asset. By default, with no flag it refers to an own asset. An example is shown below:GET - .../asset/{assetId}?isAuthorised=true <– Gets an authorised asset.POST - .../asset/{assetId}/update?isAuthorised=true <– Updates an authorised asset.
  • New Smart Contract functionality to emit events based on rules: Smart contracts have been enhanced with event handling. That means it is possible to establish a set of rules some wanted parameters have to accomplish. Smart Contract monitors the values and emit an event, or alarm, every time a value has differed a constant value or exceeded range of values.
  • New method to establish rules for assets: In this model a new method is required to define the rules the asset must follow. Thus it is possible to monitor the value or range of values for the parameters in every asset update. POST - .../asset/{assetId}/rules

Changes, future fixes and know issues:

  • Every rule is applicable separately for every asset. So far it is not possible to re-use same rule for two or more assets. This would ease the usability and performance of this method. Moreover the rule can be add once the asset is created, and not during the creation that would be an interesting option. These features will be explored in future and included in a new release.
  • Authorise & un-authorise methods return only a message. So far it is not possible to know what users are authorised to consult / update the asset. This feature will be explored in future and included in a new release.

v2.0.0 [June 2020]

What’s new in Track API v2.0.0:

  • Compatibility with Hyperledger Fabric v2.x.x
  • Integration with TrustID (ID API) for interacting with the network and offer basic identity management services to users (create, import, export verify and sign)
  • The Track chaincode (smart contract in Hyperledger Fabric) is now deployed as external services. It makes possible to deploy, handle and upgrade as an external container in a simple and fast way.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • The model of user credentials (user, password) used for /login method is now used with did credentials (id, password)
  • Current user credentials are and looks like a DID credential: did:vtn:trustid:289f893a9oir930pajklbx938ajzhd87as7893 instead of: user:org1MSP
  • The internal functions of invoking / querying a service (chaincode) are changed to new service model managed by TrustID
  • Some minor fixes regarding API’s HTTP response status code (2xx successful, 4xx client error, 5xx server error)

v1.1.0 [April 2020]

What’s new in Track API v1.1.0:

  • New trustpoint param in the Asset data model for grouping and showing information about trust points. Every call to createTrust or registerTrust functions (that is the creation/registration of the trust point in Hyperledger Fabric/Ethereum) involves an update of the trustpoint param in the asset. So this way allows to know when/where the trust point was generated.
  • In order to increase the performance every update of the asset is now done in a separated and independent manner, so it doesn’t keep the last state, just the asset data that is immutable. (f.e. when there is a creation/registration of a trustpoint, the new transaction just fill the trustpoint field, but not the metadata contained in the last asset transaction)
  • News in Swagger UI: link to Readthedocs and data model section with proper nomenclature
  • New /refresh method to able to refresh the JWT TOKEN without having to write again the user credentials

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • The history/range of asset transactions now returns an array of txs also when there is only 1 transaction.
  • The history/range of asset transaction is now returned from newest to oldest
  • Postman collections are now updated

v1.0.0 [December 2019]

What’s new in Track API v1.0.0:

  • All basic tracking functionalities working: create, manage, and export digital assets on the blockchain
  • API visualisation and interaction through Swagger UI
  • Common errors management method implemented
  • API integration testing with Hyperledger Fabric. Already successfully integrated with Hyperledger Fabric SDK and network and deployed through Kubernetes system with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CICD) mechanisms.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • All issues from previous releases (< v1.0.0) are solved and closed
  • API code is cleaned and improved and unnecessary files are removed from the repository
  • Third party dependencies are handled through Go modules

Token API

v2.0.0 [June 2020]

What’s new in Token API v2.0.0:

  • Compatibility with Hyperledger Fabric v2.x.x
  • Integration with TrustID (ID API) for interacting with the network and offer basic identity management services to users (create, import, export verify and sign)
  • The Token chaincode (smart contract in Hyperledger Fabric) is now deployed as external services. It makes possible to deploy, handle and upgrade as an external container in a simple and fast way.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • Owner of a token automatically set from the transaction issuer. Removed manual set of owner in /create
  • The model of user credentials (user, password) used for /login method is now used with did credentials (id, password)
  • Current user credentials are and looks like a DID credential: did:vtn:trustid:289f893a9oir930pajklbx938ajzhd87as7893 instead of: user:org1MSP
  • The internal functions of invoking / querying a service (chaincode) are changed to new service model managed by TrustID
  • Some minor fixes regarding API’s HTTP response status code (2xx successful, 4xx client error, 5xx server error)

v1.1.0 [March 2020]

What’s new in Token API v1.1.0:

  • New token data model: a single chaincode can handle multiple tokens. Since the creation of a new token incurs sometimes in a timeout response error because of the process time while installing and instantiating a new chaincode, there was a need to implement a new data model based on a one single chaincode
  • News in Swagger UI: link to Readthedocs and data model section with proper nomenclature
  • New /refresh method to able to refresh the JWT TOKEN without having to write again the user credentials

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • Changes in the implementation for /token/{id}/transactions path. Now it is allowed that a token owner can get the transactions of specific user in the way /token/{id}/transactions?userId="test"
  • The paths /token/initialize and /token/instantiate are converged in /token/create
  • Postman collections are now updated

v1.0.1 [January 2020]

What’s new in Token API v1.0.1:

  • Improvement based on writes performance. Now the token balances are handled separately as same way as the token information defined in the creation. Each one of the token transaction (f.e. token transfer transaction) are written in a separately way using completely different composite keys based on the user.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • FIXED: Known vulnerability that makes possible to upgrade the token replacing the token information defined in its creation.
  • DEPRECATED: token implementation based on a unique token state which contains all the balances and token information in a unique key. It was deprecated because of the low performance.

v1.0.0 [December 2019]

What’s new in Token API v1.0.0:

  • All basic token functionalities working:
  • API visualisation and interaction through Swagger UI
  • Common errors management method implemented
  • API integration testing with Hyperledger Fabric. Already successfully integrated with Hyperledger Fabric SDK and network and deployed through Kubernetes system with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CICD) mechanisms.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • All issues from previous releases (< v1.0.0) are solved and closed
  • API code is cleaned and improved and unnecessary files are removed from the repository
  • Third party dependencies are handled through Go modules

Settle API

v2.0.0 [June 2020]

What’s new in Settle API v2.0.0:

  • Compatibility with Hyperledger Fabric v2.x.x
  • Integration with TrustID (ID API) for interacting with the network and offer basic identity management services to users (create, import, export verify and sign)
  • The Settle chaincode (smart contract in Hyperledger Fabric) is now deployed as external services. It makes possible to deploy, handle and upgrade as an external container in a simple and fast way.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • The model of user credentials (user, password) used for /login method is now used with did credentials (id, password)
  • Current user credentials are and looks like a DID credential: did:vtn:trustid:289f893a9oir930pajklbx938ajzhd87as7893 instead of: user:org1MSP
  • The internal functions of invoking / querying a service (chaincode) are changed to new service model managed by TrustID
  • Some minor fixes regarding API’s HTTP response status code (2xx successful, 4xx client error, 5xx server error)

v1.1.0 [April 2020]

What’s new in Settle API v1.1.0:

  • In order to increase the performance every update of the settlement with record is now done in a separated and independent way through composite keys implementation
  • New /settlement/{id}/global function to get global status of the settlement structure.
  • New /refresh method to able to refresh the JWT TOKEN without having to write again the user credentials

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • Splitted get settlement structure function into get status for the logged user and get global status.
  • The function for getting the global status /settlement/{id} only gets the status for the logged user.
  • Postman collections are now updated

v1.0.0 [December 2019]

What’s new in Settle API v1.0.0:

  • All basic settlement functionalities working: create, update, aggregate, and settle a settlement structure on the blockchain
  • API visualisation and interaction through Swagger UI
  • Ensuring the transparency through hash and merkle tree mechanisms
  • Common errors management method implemented
  • API integration testing with Hyperledger Fabric. Already successfully integrated with Hyperledger Fabric SDK and network and deployed through Kubernetes system with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CICD) mechanisms.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • All issues from previous releases (< v1.0.0) are solved and closed
  • API code is cleaned and improved and unnecessary files are removed from the repository
  • Third party dependencies are handled through Go modules

Cert API

v1.1.0 [April 2021]

What’s new in Cert API v1.1.0:

  • New methods for managing advanced signature:

    • /certificate/{certID}/advancedsignature/init - Initialise an advanced signature process for a certificate.
    • /certificate/{certID}/advancedsignature/status - Check the status of advanced signature for a certificate
    • /certificate/{certID}/advancedsignature/document - Get the signed document for a certificate with advanced signature
    • /certificate/advancedsignature/notification- Receive notifications for an advanced signature process. It requires a new way of authorization based on “Basic Authorization” in order to accept incoming request from third party notification services.

    It is the first integration with a third party platform: VIDSigner. Others will be integrated in next releases.

  • Added init and end parameters in /certificate/asset/create to allow the certification of a range of transactions for an asset

  • Now Cert API has integration with OpenID Connect, enabling the use of the functionalities with different identity providers such as Google or Microsoft.

  • Added public parameter in the creation data model for the certificate creation

  • Added access information in response for /certificate/{certID} and /certificate/{certID/history methods

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • Swagger methods and responses have been updated
  • Postman collection has been updated
  • Fixed issue #4: checking that advanced signature is initialized in /advancedsign/{certID}/status and /advancedsign/{certID}/document methods in order to avoid possible errors
  • Fixed issue #2: Handling bad input in /advancedsign/{certID}/init method

v1.0.0 [January 2021]

What’s new in Cert API v1.0.0:

  • All basic trust functionalities working:
    • Core methods: create, get, sign, register, revoke, and get history of certificates on blockchain.
    • Other useful methods: healthcheck, get certificates by user, external sign and managing access / signers.
  • There are two possible digital signatures (Public Key Infrastructure):
    • Sign with a certificate generated in TrustOS
    • Sign with an external certificate (X.509 standard)
  • All functionalities are applicable to two types of certificates:
    • Content certificate: Certificate with specific and customisable content like file/document/collection of files.
    • Asset certificate: Certificate based on an existing asset generated in Track module.
  • All certificates follows the same data structure:
    • CertID - Unique identifier of the certificate
    • Data - JSON of certificate information that is inmutable
    • Metadata - Array of JSON transactions that feed the certificate (e.g. signatures, revocation and public evidences)
    • Access - JSON of granted accesses to interact with the certificate (e.g. admin, sign, read access)
  • API visualisation and interaction through Swagger UI
  • API integration testing with Hyperledger Fabric. Already successfully integrated with Hyperledger Fabric SDK and network and deployed through Kubernetes system with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CICD) mechanisms.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:


Trust API

v2.0.0 [June 2020]

What’s new in Trust API v2.0.0:

  • Compatibility with Hyperledger Fabric v2.x.x
  • Integration with TrustID (ID API) for interacting with the network and offer basic identity management services to users (create, import, export verify and sign)
  • Some minor fixes regarding API’s HTTP response status code (2xx successful, 4xx client error, 5xx server error)
  • The Trust chaincode (smart contract in Hyperledger Fabric) is now deployed as external services. It makes possible to deploy, handle and upgrade as an external container in a simple and fast way.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • New body input field in /registerand /create methods to allow to fill the asset’s metadata once the /registration/creation of a trustpoint is done and the asset is updated with the trustpoint info (ethereum transaction & contract or hyperledger fabric transaction)
  • The model of user credentials (user, password) used for /login method is now used with did credentials (id, password)
  • Current user credentials are and looks like a DID credential: did:vtn:trustid:289f893a9oir930pajklbx938ajzhd87as7893 instead of: user:org1MSP
  • The internal functions of invoking / querying a service (chaincode) are changed to new service model managed by TrustID

v1.0.0 [December 2019]

What’s new in Trust API v1.0.0:

  • All basic trust functionalities working: create, manage and public register trust points
  • API visualisation and interaction through Swagger UI
  • Ensuring the transparency through hash and merkle tree mechanisms
  • Common errors management method implemented
  • API integration testing with Hyperledger Fabric. Already successfully integrated with Hyperledger Fabric SDK and network and deployed through Kubernetes system with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CICD) mechanisms.

Changes, fixes and deprecations:

  • All issues from previous releases (< v1.0.0) are solved and closed
  • API code is cleaned and improved and unnecessary files are removed from the repository
  • Third party dependencies are handled through Go modules