
Cert API is used to create, sign and verify digital certificates on the blockchain. The entire functionalities are based on a Smart Contract that handles the lifecycle of every certificate in the most autonomous and secure way.

By using Blockchain, we create trust, ensure security and reduce the risk of fraud, forgery or information leakage. reduce the risk of fraud, forgery or information leakage.

Blockchain adds immutability to business process information:

  • Everything is recorded forever.
  • Anyone can verify it irrefutably and without repudiation.
  • No one can alter it or therefore doubt it.

A certificate is a digital document that is issued at the request of a user and through cryptographic techniques and blockchain storage ensures the existence at a given time of the content being certified and guarantees its integrity and immutability. Each certificate combines 3 evidences to establish with that the user was in possession of the certified content on the date of issuance. content on the date of issuance of the certificate.

  • User digital signature
  • Digital fingerprint of the content to certificate
  • A blockchain timestamp

Any information exchange or registration process can benefit from certificates to provide guarantees of the immutability over time of that information and that none of the parties that may have had access to it have modified it for their own benefit. We can think of certificates as the simple way that, thanks to Blockchain, allows us to create evidence about the existence of a certain content without the involvement of a third party to guarantee it.

Is it possible to create the following certificate types:

  • Asset: Certification of an asset. This asset must be created first in the Track API.
  • Data: Certification of any kind of information. The data could be documents or free text in string o JSON format.
  • NFTs: Certification of Non Fungible Tokens to guarantee its authenticity.

API Specification

An abstraction API with all the certificate functionalities.


A certificate is a tamper-proof and verifiable collection of data that represents a process, a file/document, an accomplishment or any activity that can benefit from the inmmutability and authenticity.

Thanks to certificates, it allows you to assure any fact in your business case recording the information along with parameters that everyone can verify (e.g. signatures, issuance/expiration time, network evidences, etc..).

Every certificate is identified by a unique ID and is composed of three complementary but different parts: Data, Metadata and Access.

IMPORTANT: Every certificate can be also identified by a custom ID (externalId) that is user’s choice. Due to this, the certificate can be consulted both by its id and by its pesonalized id.

Certificate model

Thus a certificate has the following structure:

  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.
  • data : <json> JSON of certificate data that is inmutable.
  • metadata: <json array> Array of transactions that feed the certificate (e.g. verification instructions, signatures, revocation and public registration).
  • access : <json> JSON of granted accesses to interact with the certificate (e.g. admin, sign, read access).

Sample Certificate structure (Click to expand)

  "certID": "...",
  "data": {...},
  "metadata": [...],
  "access": {...}

Certificate data

Data contains the inmutable information about the certificate: who issued it, when it was issued, when it will expire and of course what it is certified and what does it mean.

The certificate data contains the following fields:

  • badge : <json> JSON of badge information that characterises the certificate (e.g. name, description, type, content, issuer).
  • issuedOn : <date> Datetime of when the certificate is issued.
  • expires : <date> Datetime of when the certificate should no longer be considered valid.
  • hash : <string> Hash of the data information.

Sample Data structure (Click to expand)

      "certID": "did:vtn:c1:certid:c3ff3f3c055ae9eb4884123f0627cd8a4496d8ad381766c963ae496a6cd4669f",
      "name": "Certificate example",
      "description": "Description for the Certificate example",
      "type": "content/asset",            // Type should be: content or asset
      "content": [{...}],            // Content to certify
      "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:admin"
  "issuedOn": "2020-11-12 12:00:34 +0000 UTC",
  "expires": "2021-12-31 23:59:59 +0000 UTC",
  "hash": "Ni7JYQG6GSmlEjWoRj2xrfF6ZVFhqBDPzyjk+o/HB2c="

Certificate metadata

Metadata contains the additional information that feeds the certificate in order to update the status of the certificate (e.g. revocation, evidences) or to add required data to be valid and know how to verify it (e.g. verification, signers, signatures).

The certificate metadata contains the following fields:

  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.
  • type : <string> Type of transaction (Signature/Revocation/Evidence/Adding signers).
  • verification : <json> JSON of verification information. It contains the required signers.
  • signatures : <json> JSON of signatures added for the verification of the certificate.
  • public_evidences : <json> JSON of certificate evidences registered in public networks, private databases and other sites.
  • revoked : <bool> Flag to determine that the certificate is revoked and is not longer valid.
  • datetime : <string> Datetime of when the transaction (signature, evidence or revocation) is done.
  • hfTxId : <string> Current transaction identifier in Hyperledger Fabric.
  • hash : <string> Hash of the transaction.

Sample Metadata structure (Click to expand)

  "certID": "did:vtn:c1:certid:c3ff3f3c055ae9eb4884123f0627cd8a4496d8ad381766c963ae496a6cd4669f",
  "type": "Signature/Revocation/Evidence/Adding signers",
  "verification": {
      "signers": [...]              // List of required signers
  "signatures": {...},              // Collection of signatures
  "public_evidences": {...},        // Collection of evidences
  "revoked": false,
  "datetime": "1592568489",
  "hfTxId": "3ae1d6b0f914aee4ce7105ddd65c4cf2dcf160ca398297a13032aaf33b50ed291",
  "hash": "oRj6yKH4EDGCGiKRjHzv3yuqX5wAEzwZFgLnE9jwRIs="

Certificate access

Access contains list of authorised users depending on their role (i.e. admin, sign, read) for a certificate in order to control the possible interaction of every user.

The certificate access contains the following fields:

  • admin : <json> Json of admin. An admin can manage, sign and revoke the certificate.
  • sign : <json> Json of signers. A signer can sign only once and read the certificate.
  • read : <json> Json of readers. A reader can only read and verify the certificate.
  • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not.

Sample Access structure (Click to expand)

    "did:vtn:admin": 1
    "did:vtn:signer1": 1,  // Signer has not signed yet
    "did:vtn:signer2": 0   // Signer has already signed
    "did:vtn:reader1": 1,
    "did:vtn:reader2": 1
  "public": false         // The certificate is not visible for all

API Methods

CertAPI Swagger

API methods (Click to expand)

POST - /certificate/content/create

Create a certificate from a specific content like file/document/collection of files on Blockchain. A unique and irrevocable identifier (certID) is generated for every certificate.


  • name : <string> Name of the certificate
  • description : <string> Short description of the certificate
  • content : <json> Content to certify (*)
  • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not
  • readers : <string array> List of readers, in case it is not public
  • signers : <string array> List of required signers
  • externalId : <string> Optional custom identifier for the certificate
  • expires : <string> Optional parameter to determine the expiration of the certificate in 2020-12-18 09:59:13 +0000 UTC format, similar to ISO 8601

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "name": "ABC Certificate",
  "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
  "content": {...},
  "public": false,
  "readers": [
  "signers": [

(*) Content field is JSON format and open for every use case. An example is shown below:

Sample Content structure (Click to expand)

    "file_name": "example.pdf",
    "file_hash": "3aAFa39ho53589gbxCSkFj239y90tiFAa78xZAuo=",
    "file_size": "10KB"


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "did:vtn:c1:certid:6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
    "data": {
        "badge": {
            "certID": "did:vtn:c1:certid:6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
            "name": "ABC Certificate",
            "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
            "type": "content",
            "content": [
                "file_hash": "3aAFa39ho53589gbxCSkFj239y90tiFAa78xZAuo=",
                "file_name": "example.pdf",
                "file_size": "10KB"
            "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
        "issuedOn": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC"
        "expires": "",
        "hash": "Bs2nFa30Ghu84uwBnjs2aOi53qe6r6YTpjk+o/HB2c="
    "metadata": [
          "verification": {
            "type": "SignedBadge"
          "signatures": null,
          "public_evidences": null,
          "revoked": false,
          "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC",
          "hfTxId": "3f52c32ed0751d4b77bd5859333761c5180abe151605ff4a7546408ecbe8045c"
    "access": {
        "admin": {
            "did:vtn:admin": 1
        "sign": {
            "did:vtn:signer1": 1,
            "did:vtn:signer2": 1
        "read": {
            "did:vtn:reader1": 1,
            "did:vtn:reader2": 1
        "public": false

POST - /certificate/file/hash

Create a unique hash from a file. A unique and irrevocable identifier (certID) is generated for every certificate.


  • fileInput: <formData> File from which the hash will be generated.


  • File hash : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

"output": {
    "file_hash": "f05131b2230066bf3b2bed28829bba890cea4fe48abd56e1c9a96aa212315c6h"

POST - /certificate/file/create

Create a certificate from a specific hash file on Blockchain. A unique and irrevocable identifier (certID) is generated for every certificate.


  • name : <string> Name of the certificate
  • description : <string> Short description of the certificate
  • content : <json> Content to certify (*). An existing file hash previously generated with /certificate/file/hash method
  • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not
  • readers : <string array> List of readers, in case it is not public
  • signers : <string array> List of required signers
  • externalId : <string> Optional custom identifier for the certificate
  • expires : <string> Optional parameter to determine the expiration of the certificate in 2020-12-18 09:59:13 +0000 UTC format, similar to ISO 8601

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "name": "ABC Certificate",
  "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
  "content": {...},
  "public": true

(*) Content field is JSON format and open for every use case. An example is shown below:

Sample Content structure (Click to expand)

    "file_hash": "2132d2a5fcf50d988fea87d257f0c69f51bb771196856cec9255242661f8d5e6"


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
    "data": {
        "badge": {
            "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
            "name": "ABC Certificate",
            "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
            "type": "content",
            "content": {
               "file_hash": "2132d2a5fcf50d988fea87d257f0c69f51bb771196856cec9255242661f8d5e6"
            "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
        "issuedOn": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC"
        "expires": "",
        "hash": "Bs2nFa30Ghu84uwBnjs2aOi53qe6r6YTpjk+o/HB2c="
    "metadata": [
          "verification": {
            "signers": null,
            "type": "SignedBadge"
          "signatures": null,
          "public_evidences": null,
          "revoked": false,
          "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC",
          "hfTxId": "3f52c32ed0751d4b77bd5859333761c5180abe151605ff4a7546408ecbe8045c"
    "access": {
        "admin": {
            "did:vtn:admin": 1
        "public": true

POST - /certificate/file/full

Generate a hash from a file and create a new certificate from this file hash A unique and irrevocable identifier (certID) is generated for every certificate.


  • fileInput: <binary - multipart/form-data> File is sent in binary format as a multipart/form-data content type
  • body: <object - multipart/form-data> The rest of the parameters are sent in am object body as a multipart/form-data content type
    • name : <string> Name of the certificate
    • description : <string> Short description of the certificate
    • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not
    • readers : <string array> List of readers, in case it is not public
    • signers : <string array> List of required signers
    • externalId : <string> Optional custom identifier for the certificate
    • expires : <string> Optional parameter to determine the expiration of the certificate in 2020-12-18 09:59:13 +0000 UTC format, similar to ISO 8601

Sample structure: Body (Click to expand)

  "name": "ABC Certificate",
  "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
  "public": true


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
    "data": {
        "badge": {
            "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
            "name": "ABC Certificate",
            "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
            "type": "content",
            "content": {
               "file_hash": "2132d2a5fcf50d988fea87d257f0c69f51bb771196856cec9255242661f8d5e6"
            "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
        "issuedOn": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC"
        "expires": "",
        "hash": "Bs2nFa30Ghu84uwBnjs2aOi53qe6r6YTpjk+o/HB2c="
    "metadata": [
          "verification": {
            "signers": null,
            "type": "SignedBadge"
          "signatures": null,
          "public_evidences": null,
          "revoked": false,
          "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC",
          "hfTxId": "3f52c32ed0751d4b77bd5859333761c5180abe151605ff4a7546408ecbe8045c"
    "access": {
        "admin": {
            "did:vtn:admin": 1
        "public": true

POST - /certificate/asset/create

Create a certificate from a file/document/collection of files on Blockchain. A unique and irrevocable identifier (certID) is generated for every certificate.


  • name : <string> Name of the certificate.
  • description : <string> Short description of the certificate.
  • assetID : <string> Asset to certify (*).
  • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not.
  • readers : <string array> List of readers, in case it is not public.
  • signers : <string array> List of required signers.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "name": "Asset Certificate",
  "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the process",
  "assetID": "asset_example1",
  "public": false,
  "readers": [
  "signers": [

(*) assetID field is used for certify assets created with Track API. If you have already created some assets (f.e. asset_example1, asset_example2, asset_example3) you can choose what asset to certify and also what range of its transactions.

If wanted to certify only transactions within a period or range of time, only you have to determine init and end params as depicted below:

Sample of asset range certificate (Click to expand)


  "name": "Asset Certificate",
  "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the process",
  "assetID": "asset_example1",
  "init": "1600000000",
  "public": true


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
    "data": {
        "badge": {
            "name": "Asset Certificate",
            "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the process",
            "type": "asset",
            "content": [ array of asset transactions ]
        "issuedOn": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC",
        "expires": "",
        "hash": "Bs2nFa30Ghu84uwBnjs2aOi53qe6r6YTpjk+o/HB2c="
    "metadata": [
          "verification": {
          "signatures": null,
          "public_evidences": null,
          "revoked": false,
          "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC",
          "hfTxId": "3f52c32ed0751d4b77bd5859333761c5180abe151605ff4a7546408ecbe8045c"
    "access": {
        "admin": {
            "did:vtn:admin": 1
        "read": {
            "did:vtn:reader1": 1,
            "did:vtn:reader2": 1
        "sign": {
            "did:vtn:signer1": 1,
            "did:vtn:signer2": 1
        "public": false

POST - /certificate/nft

Create a certificate from a specific NFT. The NFT is managed with a smartcontract that maps an owner an a tokenId of the collection. A unique and irrevocable identifier (certID) is generated for every certificate.


  • name : <string> Name of the certificate
  • description : <string> Short description of the certificate
  • content : <json> Content to certify (*)
  • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not
  • readers : <string array> List of readers, in case it is not public
  • signers : <string array> List of required signers
  • externalId : <string> Optional custom identifier for the certificate
  • expires : <string> Optional parameter to determine the expiration of the certificate in 2020-12-18 09:59:13 +0000 UTC format, similar to ISO 8601


  • contractAddress : <string> Smartcontract address that manages the nft collection
  • networkId : <string> Blockchain network where the smartcontract is deployed. The networkId can be found in https://chainlist.org/
  • tokenId : <string> Unique id that represents the nft
  • ‘url’: <string> Url of the blockexplorer with the smartcontract info (optional)

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "name": "Certificate name",
  "description": "Certificate short description",
  "content": {
    "contractAddress": "0x6751D366820d9022624cF0a543A734467b8A6a73",
    "networkId": 1,
    "tokenId": 3,
    "url": "https://polygonscan.com/address/0x6751d366820d9022624cf0a543a734467b8a6a73"
  "public": false,
  "readers": [
  "signers": [
  "externalId": "External certificate identifier"

(*) Content field is JSON format and open for every use case. An example is shown below:

Sample Content structure (Click to expand)

    "contractAddress": "0x6751D366820d9022624cF0a543A734467b8A6a73",
    "networkId": 1,
    "tokenId": 3,
    "url": "https://polygonscan.com/address/0x6751d366820d9022624cf0a543a734467b8a6a73"


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "did:vtn:channel1:certid:c3ff3f3c055ae9eb4884123f0627cd8a4496d8ad381766c963ae496a6cd4669f",
    "data": {
      "badge": {
        "name": "Certificate name",
        "description": "Certificate description",
        "type": "content",
        "content": [
      "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:afa1f9ad8e593ced39051d1f909b33b0852f18c16e89613bc7e3d2b5ef43a878",
      "issuedOn": "2025-12-31T23:59:59+00:00",
      "expires": "",
      "hash": "Bs2nFa30Ghu84uwBnjs2aOi53qe6r6YTpjk+o/HB2c="
    "metadata": [
        "type": "Creation/Signature/Revocation/Evidence",
        "verification": {},
        "signatures": {},
        "public_evidences": {},
        "revoked": false,
        "datetime": "1592568489",
        "hfTxId": "3ae1d6b0f914aee4ce7105ddd65c4cf2dcf160ca398297a13032aaf33b50ed291",
        "hash": "Ni7JYQG6GSmlEjWoRj2xrfF6ZVFhqBDPzyjk+o/HB2c="
    "access": {}

POST - /certificate/nft/collection

Create a certificate of a smart contract collection.


  • name : <string> Name of the certificate
  • description : <string> Short description of the certificate
  • content : <json> Content to certify (*)
  • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not
  • readers : <string array> List of readers, in case it is not public
  • signers : <string array> List of required signers
  • externalId : <string> Optional custom identifier for the certificate
  • expires : <string> Optional parameter to determine the expiration of the certificate in 2020-12-18 09:59:13 +0000 UTC format, similar to ISO 8601


  • contractAddress : <string> Smartcontract address that manages the nft collection
  • networkId : <string> Blockchain network where the smartcontract is deployed. The id can be found in https://chainlist.org/.
  • ‘url’: <string> Url of the blockexplorer with the smartcontract info (optional)

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "name": "Certificate name",
  "description": "Certificate short description",
  "content": {
    "contractAddress": "0x6751D366820d9022624cF0a543A734467b8A6a73",
    "networkId": 1,
    "tokenId": 3,
    "url": "https://polygonscan.com/address/0x6751d366820d9022624cf0a543a734467b8a6a73"
  "public": false,
  "readers": [
  "signers": [
  "externalId": "External certificate identifier"

(*) Content field is JSON format and open for every use case. An example is shown below:

Sample Content structure (Click to expand)

    "contractAddress": "0x6751D366820d9022624cF0a543A734467b8A6a73",
    "networkId": 1,
    "tokenId": 3,
    "url": "https://polygonscan.com/address/0x6751d366820d9022624cf0a543a734467b8a6a73"


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "did:vtn:channel1:certid:c3ff3f3c055ae9eb4884123f0627cd8a4496d8ad381766c963ae496a6cd4669f",
    "data": {
      "badge": {
        "name": "Certificate name",
        "description": "Certificate description",
        "type": "content",
        "content": [
      "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:afa1f9ad8e593ced39051d1f909b33b0852f18c16e89613bc7e3d2b5ef43a878",
      "issuedOn": "2025-12-31T23:59:59+00:00",
      "expires": "",
      "hash": "Bs2nFa30Ghu84uwBnjs2aOi53qe6r6YTpjk+o/HB2c="
    "metadata": [
        "type": "Creation/Signature/Revocation/Evidence",
        "verification": {},
        "signatures": {},
        "public_evidences": {},
        "revoked": false,
        "datetime": "1592568489",
        "hfTxId": "3ae1d6b0f914aee4ce7105ddd65c4cf2dcf160ca398297a13032aaf33b50ed291",
        "hash": "Ni7JYQG6GSmlEjWoRj2xrfF6ZVFhqBDPzyjk+o/HB2c="
    "access": {}

GET - /certificate/{certID}

Get certificate from the blockchain.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId})


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
    "data": {
      "badge": {
        "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
        "content": [
            "file_hash": "3aAFa39ho53589gbxCSkFj239y90tiFAa78xZAuo=",
            "file_name": "example.pdf",
            "file_size": "10KB"
        "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
        "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
        "name": "ABC Certificate",
        "type": "content"
      "expires": "",
      "hash": "I6fI6JPNS9y3QGfACbZkAVTOGr5060Y3JF2b/Tl2TCY=",
      "issuedOn": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC"
    "metadata": [
        "public_evidences": {
          "ethereum": {
            "evidenceHash": "I6fI6JPNS9y3QGfACbZkAVTOGr5060Y3JF2b/Tl2TCY=",
            "smartContract": "0x0C9114b9Ec58d1fbF9FC650BE4B7Aefe481597A0",
            "timestamp": 1619621204,
            "transaction": "0x331bf9fd1514cb41434c594b18f4b848783b3807004ebd68c9ca73a77c7ee48b"
          "besu": {
            "evidenceHash": "I6fI6JPNS9y3QGfACbZkAVTOGr5060Y3JF2b/Tl2TCZ=",
            "smartContract": "0x0C8114b9Ec58d1fbF9FC650BE4B7Aefe481597A1",
            "timestamp": 1619621267,
            "transaction": "0x441bf9fd1514cb41434c594b18f4b848783b3807004ebd68c9ca73a77c7ee48b"
        "revoked": false,
        "signatures": null,
        "verification": {
          "signers": [
          "type": "SignedBadge"
    "access": {
      "admin": {
        "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1": 1
      "read": {
        "did:vtn:reader1": 1,
        "did:vtn:reader2": 1
      "sign": {
        "did:vtn:signer1": 1,
        "did:vtn:signer2": 1

GET - /certificate/file/{file_hash}

Get a certificate from the file hash


  • file_hash : <string> Certificate file hash


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

The following certificate has been queried using the file_hash: 3aAFa39ho53589gbxCSkFj239y90tiFAa78xZAuo=

  "output": {
    "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
    "data": {
      "badge": {
        "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
        "content": [
            "file_hash": "3aAFa39ho53589gbxCSkFj239y90tiFAa78xZAuo=",
            "file_name": "example.pdf",
            "file_size": "10KB"
        "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
        "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
        "name": "ABC Certificate",
        "type": "content"
      "expires": "",
      "hash": "I6fI6JPNS9y3QGfACbZkAVTOGr5060Y3JF2b/Tl2TCY=",
      "issuedOn": "2021-04-28 14:25:06 +0000 UTC"
    "metadata": [
        "public_evidences": {
          "ethereum": {
            "evidenceHash": "I6fI6JPNS9y3QGfACbZkAVTOGr5060Y3JF2b/Tl2TCY=",
            "smartContract": "0x0C9114b9Ec58d1fbF9FC650BE4B7Aefe481597A0",
            "timestamp": 1619621204,
            "transaction": "0x331bf9fd1514cb41434c594b18f4b848783b3807004ebd68c9ca73a77c7ee48b"
          "besu": {
            "evidenceHash": "I6fI6JPNS9y3QGfACbZkAVTOGr5060Y3JF2b/Tl2TCZ=",
            "smartContract": "0x0C8114b9Ec58d1fbF9FC650BE4B7Aefe481597A1",
            "timestamp": 1619621267,
            "transaction": "0x441bf9fd1514cb41434c594b18f4b848783b3807004ebd68c9ca73a77c7ee48b"
        "revoked": false,
        "signatures": null,
        "verification": {
          "signers": [
          "type": "SignedBadge"
    "access": {
      "admin": {
        "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1": 1
      "read": {
        "did:vtn:reader1": 1,
        "did:vtn:reader2": 1
      "sign": {
        "did:vtn:signer1": 1,
        "did:vtn:signer2": 1

POST - /certificate/{certID}/sign

Sign a certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.

(*) You can also use the method with the custom ID:

  • externalId : <string> Custom identifier of the certificat

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/sign)


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:42:42 +0000 UTC",
    "hfTxId": "0a55b28d171bfdbadc2f3e92cae89a998ed9531267c658dd1bd658004fa98df7",
    "signature": "eyJjdHkiOiJqd2sranNvbiIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoidS1MWnp5RnprNEMyOUNkdjh2T1pVd0tXSlo4WUxJdmZxbXk5VHkza041TSJ9.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.kt1yX2MRxMGL4rZqokxxFQy5AcUNP4824VFTEFf-W7DoExYNeh-xKl1oIwiJKRdO6WIGMIiDPPwd2l0WT3m8jdsy6KMyHMGzimG3GoQUTBLd4lTPjQL-93f5OkLQJqut77iX2lVblI3HmvLdV_Vx7-IqFwIFszaULHh8TJzxNCFXOy9MpJhUUfk0abExK_2NaYlvif6y6WeQ1pCrjoOi7fnO0mSzyVXhvlRB2WTXLjJ4cD-lsljdg91KRcnFucoWZu9sQYpt6Gv_rvKPJaejeGCGGjqUEifXwEHBEP6soRLyvcM1TF5TDql03xTd4chP4GDC0uTMXJwNpiX9GyTe6g",
    "signer": {
      "controller": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
      "id": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
      "publicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtxqRLjAv2spWbBzjqi8uM+mgNo0EbYSbulfUM2BwcAuCi3+lD+Z8Te7FdtLwXxNFyK6D3tDY3F0VCx9AbaaZujzP3QuLX4HwV6hk3v/ut+ArK45l1ZhyEKURYQ92rQBZMwWkRw4G0bTrSS7f/8OH2V+/9LO8SpeZKhOoY15wGBZbO+OTk2nl03SkbcLe2QugnZ3CXXYU6LPfU4P2HgeugZXF+HwGBWJWMG6mwpKGRX9ba8qzyZMJ0xKUx60CYMUzksK480MfFGl6ifV24u/+EprVXIdVdtizbxbgNH/PomFqgfyObJMSNaNw8odj52NEFwvfy7UbM90Sm693IiVE7wIDAQAB-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
    "type": "SignedBadge"

POST - /certificate/{certID}/sign/external

Sign a certificate with external identity and keys.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.
  • signature : <string> Signature.
  • publicKey : <string> External public key to verify the signature.
  • did : <string> Signer DID identifier or internal identifier.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/sign/external)

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "signature": "eyJSosd289ap389fa8uf3u8u4er8912rz....",
  "publicKey": "--------BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-------- ... --------END PUBLIC KEY--------",
  "did": "did:external:signer3"


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:45:34 +0000 UTC",
    "hfTxId": "42dab150121afe3db840101e5b648fa0f7e3413248314a018ef28ebef63e82d8",
    "signature": "eyJSosd289ap389fa8uf3u8u4er8912rz...",
    "signer": {
        "controller": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
        "id": "did:external:signer3",
        "publicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- ... -----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
    "type": "SignedBadge"

POST - /certificate/{certID}/register?networkId=integer

Register a certificate evidence in a public network.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.
  • networkId: <integer> Flag to identify the public network on which the trustpoint will be registered. Currently the following network ID are available:
    • Ethereum mainnet: 1
    • Goerli network (ETHEREUM): 5
    • Polygon maninnet: 137
    • Mumbai network (POLYGON): 80001
    • Alastria network (HYPERLEDGER BESU): 101
    • LACChain network: 102

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/register?networkId=integer)

Sample structure (Click to expand)

`/certificate/{certID}/register?networkId=5 // Goerli network (Ethereum)


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
      "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:46:53 +0000 UTC",
      "hash": "kKI+m663XKazuZ+Orbt/oCQp5rAQJQ7kjYwpqNMnMy4=",
      "hfTxId": "0b9743f8ae6529b4c3bb051202568598facb29227c8d819047db4a63452df37c",
      "verification": {...},
      "signatures": {...},
      "public_evidences": {
        "1": {
            "evidenceHash": "I6fI6JPNS9y3QGfACbZkAVTOGr5060Y3JF2b/Tl2TCY=",
            "smartContract": "0x0C9114b9Ec58d1fbF9FC650BE4B7Aefe481597A0",
            "timestamp": 1619621204,
            "transaction": "0x331bf9fd1514cb41434c594b18f4b848783b3807004ebd68c9ca73a77c7ee48b"
      "revoked": false

GET - /certificate/register/providers

Get all the available providers to register the certificate


  • ouput : <json> A list with all the available providers

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "ethereum": "1",
    "goerli": "5",
    "polygon": "137",
    "mumbai": "80001",
    "besu": "101",
    "lacchain": "102"

POST - /certificate/{certID}/revoke

Revoke a certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/revoke)


  • certificate : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
      "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:48:51 +0000 UTC",
      "hash": "NeeF0whDLcqkq4I8e5p9Yuiz7UZ2UVu68LZvIsBJhg8=",
      "hfTxId": "20b750b8b54dd81d95177048d185ecc17a5ba42ac5351b8915d59d99c2c77967",
      "type": "Revocation",
      "signatures": {...},
      "public_evidences": {...},
      "revoked": true

GET - /certificate/{certID}/history

Get all transactions for the whole lifecycle of the certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/history)


  • Certificate transactions : <string> A list of all transactions.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
    "data": {
      "badge": {
        "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
        "name": "ABC Certificate",
        "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and valid record of the ABC document file",
        "issuer": "did:vtn:trustid:76ce288f169fdd9b90a2b9b6a11700fbd80123093f3296e235ab10c27eb306c1",
        "type": "content",
        "content": [...]
      "issuedOn": "2025-12-31T23:59:59+00:00",
      "expires": "",
    "metadata": [
      "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:48:51 +0000 UTC",
      "hash": "NeeF0whDLcqkq4I8e5p9Yuiz7UZ2UVu68LZvIsBJhg8=",
      "hfTxId": "20b750b8b54dd81d95177048d185ecc17a5ba42ac5351b8915d59d99c2c77967",
      "type": "Revocation",
      "verification": {...},
      "signatures": {...},
      "public_evidences": {...},
      "revoked": true
      "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:46:53 +0000 UTC",
      "hash": "kKI+m663XKazuZ+Orbt/oCQp5rAQJQ7kjYwpqNMnMy4=",
      "hfTxId": "0b9743f8ae6529b4c3bb051202568598facb29227c8d819047db4a63452df37c",
      "type": "Evidence",
      "verification": {...},
      "signatures": {...},
      "public_evidences": {...},
      "revoked": false


    "access": {...}

GET - /certificates

Lists all the certificates of a user.

Input N/A. It returns all the certificates which belong to the logged user.


  • Certificate list : <json>

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "certID": [

GET - /certificate/{certID}/access

Get all granted accesses for the certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/access)


  • Access : <string> A list of all accesses.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
      "admin": {
        "did:vtn:admin": 1
      "read": {
        "did:vtn:reader1": 1,
        "did:vtn:reader2": 1
      "sign": {
        "did:vtn:signer1": 1,
        "did:vtn:signer2": 1
      "public": false

POST - /certificate/{certID}/access

Authorise the reading access for a certificate. The user has to be the owner (admin) of the certificate. Readers are overwriten in every call.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.
  • public : <bool> Flag to determine whether the certificate is public and readable for all users or not.
  • readers : <string array> List of readers, in case it is not public.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/access)

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "public": false,
    "readers": ["did:vtn:reader3","did:vtn:reader4"]


  • Access : <json> A list of all accesses.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
      "admin": {
        "did:vtn:admin": 1
      "read": {
        "did:vtn:reader3": 1,
        "did:vtn:reader4": 1
      "sign": {
        "did:vtn:signer1": 1,
        "did:vtn:signer2": 1
      "public": false

GET - /certificate/{certID}/signers

Get the signers and their signatures for the certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/signers)


  • Signers : <string> A list of all signers with their signature and public key.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "did:vtn:signer1": {},
    "did:vtn:signer2": {}

POST - /certificate/{certID}/signers/add

Add new signers to the certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.
  • signers: <string array> List of new signers.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/signers/add)

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "signers": ["did:vtn:signerNEW", "did:vtn:signerNEW2"]


  • Metadata : <json> A JSON of current metadata information.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
      "certID": "6404b254f008acda6d55f68dee48304fcf36c73cf881cdeff478b7b4a2545248",
      "type":"Adding signers",
      "signatures": {...},
      "public_evidences": {...},
      "revoked": false,
      "datetime": "1592568489",
      "hfTxId": "3ae1d6b0f914aee4ce7105ddd65c4cf2dcf160ca398297a13032aaf33b50ed291",
      "hash": "Ni7JYQG6GSmlEjWoRj2xrfF6ZVFhqBDPzyjk+o/HB2c="

POST - /certificate/{certID}/advancedsign/init

Initialise advanced signature flow for a certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.
  • platform: <string array> Third party platform to use for advanced signature.
  • signers: <json array> List of advanced signers that will be part of the advanced signature flow (email, name and internal identifier).

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/advancedsign/init)

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "platform": "VIDSigner",
  "signers": [
      "email": "signer1@test.com",
      "name": "Signer1 Test",
      "did": "internalID1"
      "email": "signer2@test.com",
      "name": "Signer2 Test",
      "did": "internalID2"


  • Metadata : <json> A JSON of current metadata information.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "datetime": "2021-04-28 14:20:43 +0000 UTC",
    "hash": "jpt8fQ/+Ml71jR1TO5F5aCNAhlB+j69xt1IfJsBu6AY=",
    "hfTxId": "920d649508240961096ba7a4c1a003be90c8ea5566003d1ce73e7200b0f6c57d",
    "type": "Advanced signature VIDSigner",
    "public_evidences": null,
    "revoked": false,
    "signatures": {
      "advanced": {
        "controller": "did:vtn:trustid:31171f9390a4a048e00b7c4691316f362de8d3e3de69eeb0530c9b286a288509",
        "flowID": "6320b607-ae30-4968-9ef9-6a4d2742f68f",
        "platform": "VIDSigner",
        "status": "Pending",
        "type": "AdvancedSignedBadge"
    "verification": {
      "advancedSigners": [
      "signers": null,
      "type": "AdvancedSignedBadge"

GET - /certificate/{certID}/advancedsign/status

Get the signers and their signatures for the certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/advancedsign/status)


  • Status : <json> A JSON of status information about the advanced signature flow and the respective signers.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "flowID": "97877dd3-56de-44d1-a38d-be783d01e7eb",
    "AdditionalData": "a82be0e41b91f9de7d76f4974fd747522aac58d3b93e3180ab7676e3b4e33ba2",
    "DocGUI": "97877dd3-56de-44d1-a38d-be783d01e7eb",
    "DocStatus": "Unsigned",
    "Downloaded": false,
    "FileName": "certificate.pdf",
    "Signers": [
        "FormInfo": null,
        "NumberID": "did.vtn.trustid.advancedsigner1",
        "OperationTime": null,
        "RejectionReason": null,
        "SignatureStatus": "Unsigned",
        "SignerGUI": "c8e6cf1b-a296-4046-920d-037b617f6740",
        "SignerName": "Signer1 Test",
        "TypeOfID": "TrustID",
        "UserNoticesInfo": null
        "FormInfo": null,
        "NumberID": "did.vtn.trustid.advancedsigner2",
        "OperationTime": null,
        "RejectionReason": null,
        "SignatureStatus": "Unsigned",
        "SignerGUI": "036c6673-a7e1-476f-9eaf-65b497450a8d",
        "SignerName": "Signer2 Test",
        "TypeOfID": "TrustID",
        "UserNoticesInfo": null

GET - /certificate/{certID}/advancedsign/document

Get the signers and their signatures for the certificate.


  • certID : <string> Unique identifier of the certificate.

(*) You can also use this method replacing the certID in the URL with the custom identifier externalId like this (/certificate/{externalId}/advancedsign/document)


  • Document : <json> A JSON with the document signed/pending to be signed (DocContent) in base64 format and other useful information.

Sample structure (Click to expand)

  "output": {
    "flowID": "97877dd3-56de-44d1-a38d-be783d01e7eb",
    "AdditionalData": "a82be0e41b91f9de7d76f4974fd747522aac58d3b93e3180ab7676e3b4e33ba2",
    "DocContent": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNS...",
    "FileName": "certificate.pdf"

POST - /certificate/advancedsign/notification

Receive notifications from any advanced signature flow.

This method and route requires a special authorization process, don’t hesitate to ask us in order to provide you more detailed information.

How we run the Application

As you could see in the Architecture module, all the applications are running on cloud. Through Kubernetes orchestration system the application deployment, scaling and management is an easy and automated task.

Testing the Application

In postman folder there are the collection and environment to interact and test with the API methods. It is only needed to import them into postman application and know to use the coren-certapi module.

Also you can download the files in the links below:

- Postman collection

Errors management

Cert API errors are managed through the following JSON

  "error": "error description"