
In this section you will find snipets of code to make APIs calls to test and see the results for different use case examples. These demo applications allow to understand how easy and fast things are building a new blockchain-based solution or integrating your systems with TrustOS.

Vaccine tracker

Vaccine Tracker is an easy demo based on Track API that allows us to follow the whole transport process for a vaccine from origin to destination and to monitor constantly critical measures (e.g temperature, humidity)

Example JSON structures (Click to expand)

1 - Login into the platform

POST - /login


2 - Create asset: Vaccine batch

POST - /asset/create

      "description":"ALLE DEMI CV333"
      "location":"51.165691, 10.451526",
      "ref":"Marburg, Germany",

3 - Add rules: Temperature and humidity measures

POST - /asset/{assetId}/rules


4 - Update asset (first transport update - Lyon)

POST - /asset/{assetId}/update

      "location":"45.74846, 4.84671",
      "ref":"Lyon, France",

5 - Update asset (transport update with TEMPERATURE ALARM - Barcelona)

POST - /asset/{assetId}/update

      "location":"41.38879, 2.15899",
      "ref":"Barcelona, Spain",

6 - Update asset (transport update with HUMIDITY ALARM - Zaragoza)

POST - /asset/{assetId}/update

      "location":"41.65606, -0.87734 ",
      "ref":"Zaragoza, Spain",

7 - Update asset (last transport update - Madrid)

POST - /asset/{assetId}/update

      "location":"40.4165, -3.70256 ",
      "ref":"Madrid, Spain",

8 - Demonstrator

Along the transport process all the information is displayed in the Vaccine Tracker application. You just need to put the identifier of your asset (assetId) to start seeing the whole tracking information. Moreover, the application is connected to a WebSocket channel in order to listen and monitor all the critical measures that are out of the range or value stablished (e.g temperature and humidity). Every new alarm is displayed as a notification.

Endpoint: /tracker/vaccine

Input (assetId):

Front-end demo (Click to expand)

  • Tracking & monitoring view

Painting tracker demo

Video (Click to expand)

TrustOS Certs

TrustOS Certs is a demo that is based on Cert API and provides a platform to certify each document, file or digital process into Blockchain.

Example JSON structures (Click to expand)

1 - Login into the platform

POST - /login


2 - Create certificate from a file

For this step we are going to use an API request, but also you could use the front-end demo to create the certificate in an easier way.

POST - /certificate/content/create

  "name": "Contract Certificate",
  "description": "This certificate is a tamper-proof and veriafable collection of data that represent the Contract stored on Blockchain.",
  "content": {
  "public": false,
  "readers": [
  "signers": [

Now we have a unique and irrevocable certID that can be used for the next interactions for this certificate. Remember to copy it because it will be useful for next steps.

3 - Demonstrator

Now you can see the certificate in a more beautiful way though the simple demo that we’ve built.

TrustOS Certs home

You just need to put the certID (e.g. 95c46d70f26c1e6478f256af14ce91b976a47843f0b7f4cb542c1fb0a60375b1) to search for the information about the certificate: certificate information, signatures and other evidences.

TrustOS Certs Verification

TrustOS Certs Verification

4 - Sign certificate

To continue the process, the certificate can require one or more signers to validate and sign the certificate. This process can be done in two ways: using TrustID identities or using external identities/certificates. Every signer can only signe once, but will be able read, check and verify the certificate every time needed.

Now first we are simulating a signature from an external identity (did:vtn:signer1). The creator of the certificate is the responsable for this action, and it will appear as the “controller” once signed.

POST - /certificate/{certID}/sign/external

  "signature": "eyJSosd289ap389fa8uf3u8u4er8912rz...",
  "publicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- .... -----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
  "did": "did:vtn:external:signer1"

In case the signers were TrustID identities (created with ID API), those signers should login into the TrustOS platform and sign the certificate with their keys custodied by TrustOS.

POST - /login


POST - /certificate/{certID}/sign

4 - Register and revoke certificate

In case your process need more transparency, an evidence of the certificate can be register in any of the public blockhain.

POST - /certificate/{certID}/register

  "network": "Ethereum"

Once the issuer decides the certificate is no longer valid, it can be revoked.

POST - /certificate/{certID}/revoke

Front-end demo (Click to expand)

  • Home view

TrustOS Certs Home

  • Certificate creation view

TrustOS Certs Creation

  • Certificate verification view

TrustOS Certs Verification

TrustOS Certs Verification


Karma is an easy demo based on Token API. The following steps will reproduce the real and easy implementation to carry out a success case like Karma, one of the innovative projects incubated in Telefónica to promote good actions in its employees. For this approach, the employees are awarded for participating in volunteer activities, organising interesting workshops, helping other employees and other non-profitable activities. With Karma, employees can bid for special experiences like a ticket for a concert or museum, a magazine or a coffee with a co-worker, just blocking an amount of tokens.

Example JSON structures (Click to expand)

1 - Login into the platform

POST - /login


2 - Create customized token

POST - /token/create

  "name": "KARMA",
  "symbol": "KRM",
  "ethereumAddress": "0x0",
  "totalSupply": "100000"

At this point, you have created a token identified by the name: KARMA (tokenId = KARMA) and the total amount of KARMA tokens are transferred to the owner, that is, you.

3 - Transfer tokens to other user

POST - /token/{tokenId}/transfer

  "to": "Alice",
  "value": "40"

Now Alice received 40 KARMA tokens and you have lost it from your balance

4 - Block amount of tokens

POST - /token/{tokenId}/transfer

  "to": "Bob",
  "value": "80"

Now you have blocked 80 KARMA tokens, and Bob is the one who has to unblock it deciding whether to accept or return the total blocked amount. You can not use the blocked amount of tokens until the recipient unblocks it, in case Bob wants to return it…

5 - Get balance of user

GET - /token/{tokenId}/balance/{userId}

You will see your balance is 998880 KARMA tokens and… 80 blocked KARMA tokens

  "balance": 99880,
  "blocked_balance": 80

6 - Get transactions of user

GET - /token/{tokenId}/transactions

You will see the history of transactions you have done until now.

    "id": "4f24ba1e6c8714ed89904f0e5bf9c2282e621b0fbc765655533543d29a24845f",
    "message": "Blocking transfer 80 from did:vtn:trustid:18bbb416b43196359942918da78d5467379db8274cad2a5b207e4eb4048f4d69 to Bob"
    "id": "b0e8a091817a1fb4352d69b117ae7dcd5ce85a2a05a601bd2a596f74eb64e8f1",
    "message": "Transfer 40 from did:vtn:trustid:18bbb416b43196359942918da78d5467379db8274cad2a5b207e4eb4048f4d69 to Alice"

7 - Get transactions of other users (only for token owner)

GET - /token/{tokenId}/transactions?userId=Bob

Also you can see the history of transactions in which other users, as Bob, they are involved with. This functionality is for the owner of the token, that means, the one who created or the user who has received the token ownership once created.

      "id": "4f24ba1e6c8714ed89904f0e5bf9c2282e621b0fbc765655533543d29a24845f",
      "message": "Blocking transfer 80 from did:vtn:trustid:18bbb416b43196359942918da78d5467379db8274cad2a5b207e4eb4048f4d69 to Bob"

Video (Click to expand)